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Gene Inger


The Inger Letter

  • Editor of The Inger Letter
  • Pioneer in Financial Television
  • Began Investing when 13 Years Old

About Gene

Gene Inger began investing at 13 years old, which led to his early career at a major Wall Street firm. He managed portfolios and anchored at KWHY-TV Los Angeles, the nation's first financial television program, calling major market moves. Mr. Inger began the long-running Inger Letter and developed his own station in New York/New Jersey that featured Wall Street and market programming. His West & East Coast Stock Market Today shows became FNN affiliates and merged into the CNBC Network. (Mr. Inger was an original CNBC Market Maven.) Now retired from portfolio management, Mr. Inger publishes his popular Daily Briefing commentary nightly. He updates its companion MarketCast several times daily, with a focus on intraday patterns for S&P stock index futures, as well as other major indexes, such as oil, the dollar, silver and gold, plus Treasuries and commodities.

Gene's Articles

Behavior overall has tended to contribute to S&P 500's (SPX) “inability to decline,” in a sense (the longer S&P alternated sideways the more overbought conditions got worked-off). All of this transpired in the S&P “overshoot zone” as I termed recent action, writes Gene Inger of The Inger Letter. 
Skepticism reigns supreme as the S&P 500 surges to record highs, writes Gene Inger. 
Equity markets continue to look solid. When markets rise amid such turmoil, it could mean that they want to rise, notes Gene Inger.
For a year the Fed has been off-the-market in analyzing the economic contraction abroad and the sluggish conditions at home, notes Gene Inger. He’s presenting at MoneyShow Orlando.

Gene's Videos

At MoneyShow Las Vegas, Gene Inger's top stock pick: LightPath Technologies (LPTH) is cheap but not a penny stock. They do thermal, sensors, infrared, invisible light for defense, drones, medical.
At MoneyShow Las Vegas, Gene Inger on early days as a pioneer in financial TV journalism. Millenials should have assets they can trade, skip annuities. Buy AT&T (T), LightPath Technologies (LPTH).

Newsletter Contributions

The Inger Letter

Posted to your inbox by 9 pm ET, the Daily Briefing addresses the e-mini S&P futures trading guidelines of the past day; along with a preliminary call for the next. Also provided (the depth depends on events and index activity): forecasts and analysis for the Dow Industrials, Oil markets (both WTI Crude & the XOI Oil Index, the Dollar (vs. the Euro often) and bonds (noting behavior of t

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