4 Epic Ways to Leverage Your Money by Using the Long Call Diagonal

Jerremy Newsome, Real Life Trading, CEO

In this MoneyMastersSM course, you will learn how Jerremy Newsome, CEO of Real Life Trading, and other professional traders, time both entries and exits for the LCD strategy. It's a super-effective and quite low-risk strategy that gives trades insane leverage and allows almost anyone with more than $3,000 to trade with, access to trade companies like ZM, TTD, TSLA, AYX, and more! Enhance your options educational experience with this immersion in options trading with a professional trader to give you hands-on, practical market education.


Course Content

2 Chapters • 1:56:11 Duration
  • What is a poor man’s covered call?
  • When to buy long-term options
  • What are the main rules for the strategy?
  • Which stocks to focus on and why
  • How to visualize an option pricing chart
  • Which strikes and expirations to choose and select
  • When to sell options against the long calls
  • When to sell the underlying asset for a gain

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Jerremy Newsome
Real Life Trading, CEO

Jerremy Alexander Newsome is the CEO and co-founder of reallifetrading.com. He has one of the fastest-growing audiences and websites on the internet and attacks the markets with an energy, exuberance, and humor that is truly refreshing. Mr. Newsome has been professionally trading the stock market since he was 21 years old. He specializes in candlesticks, gaps, credit spreads, and day and swing trading.

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