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Tony Sagami


Weiss Ratings LLC's Weiss Ultimate Portfolio

  • Editor of Weiss Ratings LLC's Weiss Ultimate Portfolio
  • Early Pioneer in the Application of Technical and Quantitative Analysis
  • Known for his "Sell Tech Stocks Now!" Call in October of 2000

About Tony

Tony Sagami is the editor of Weiss Ratings LLC's Weiss Ultimate Portfolio and is one of the early pioneers in the application of technical and quantitative analysis to mutual funds and stocks. At the heart of his investment system are two obscure but effective mathematical models developed by two Nobel prize-winning, University of Chicago mathematicians that help deliver consistent results with a very low risk. Mr. Sagami is best known for his "Sell Tech Stocks Now!" call in October of 2000.    

Tony's Articles

People ask me all the time if internal combustion engines are going away. I don't think so, and Warren Buffett doesn't either — at least not any time soon. But as the energy industry increasingly focuses on renewables, the First Trust Global Wind Energy ETF (FAN) looks more and more attractive, advises Tony Sagami, editor of Weiss Ratings Daily.
Alternative energy has been the subject of intense debate in recent years, but most of these discussions fail to include all forms of carbon-based fuels. While solar, wind, biomass, hydroelectricity and geothermal are the most popular with the green energy crowd, methanol has often been left out of the discussion. That’s starting to change now, giving you a backdoor way to profit – Methanex (MEOH), advises Tony Sagami, editor of Disruptors & Dominators.
The rich are different, and there are potentially enormous profits for those who invest in companies catering to them. One example is LVMH Moët Hennessey – Louis Vuitton, Société Européenne (LVMUY), writes Tony Sagami, editor of Disruptors & Dominators.
From an investment standpoint, there is no question that EVs are the future of the automobile industry. That is music to the ears of EV makers, especially U.S. EV maker Tesla (TSLA), exclaims Tony Sagami, editor of Weiss Ratings Daily.
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