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Joe DiNapoli


Coast Investment Software, Inc.

  • 57 years market trading experience, CTA for over 20 years
  • "Trading with DiNapoli Levels" was translated into 13 languages
  • Author, Trading with DiNapoli Levels

About Joe

Joe DiNapoli has 57 years of market trading experience and has been a registered CTA for over 20 years. He is best known for his pioneering work in leading indicators. Among these are the proprietary Oscillator Predictor™ and MACD Predictor™. He is highly regarded for his knowledge of displaced moving averages and his practical and unique method of applying Fibonacci ratios to the price axis. He is widely respected as a researcher, author, and lecturer, and has taught his techniques to traders around the world. Mr. DiNapoli continues to develop and refine his trading approaches as president of Coast Investment Software, Inc., and occasionally offers private seminars to a select group of his clients. He has contributed to a wide variety of books and financial publications. Mr. DiNapoli's most recent book, Trading with DiNapoli Levels, has been translated into 13 languages and this publication has become the industry standard for the application of advanced Fibonacci techniques. 

Joe's Books

Joe DiNapoli

DiNapoli Levels: The Practical Application of Fibonacci Analysis to Investment Markets

DiNapoli Levels, entirely the 3rd printing, with updated charts, tables and text. This work is the most comprehensive book ever published on the practical application of Fibonacci Analysis to the Price Axis, DiNapoli style. 

Newsletter Contributions

D-Levels Financial Forecast

Pieter van Wyk (author of D-Levels Financial Forecast™ and an expert in DiNapoli methodologies) employs Joe's advanced trading tactics on Futures FOREX and Stocks each week to define trends and project key Support and Resistance Levels well in advance of markets action.

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