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Ashok Yarlagadda



About Ashok

Ashok Yarlagadda is a software architect and data scientist, founder and CEO of Delphian Trading, and provider of options trading strategy software to design strategies to boost investment. He is also the author of High Probability Options Strategies for Busy People, a guide for retail traders to create models and trade with only 15 minutes of effort per day.

Ashok's Videos

Ashok Yarlagadda of Delphian discusses his approach to studying market behavior through the use of statistics.
Most institutional traders use options to reduce risk in their portfolio. But hedging can be complex. How can you trade more like them? With the right tools. Come and learn the who, what, when, why, and how of hedging. We will reveal how a low-risk, hedged AMZN option strategy turned $3,000 to $45,000 in under 3 years and show how you can design and test similar strategies across your portfolio.

Trading options on gut feel can be disastrous. But how do you incorporate AI-driven predictive analytics into your strategy development in a simple and intuitive way? This session will review how to design high-probability strategies to find alpha using a wide variety of options parameters. We will also show how to leverage advanced analytics to make more informed and successful trading decisions.

Setting up high probability options positions is not difficult with our cutting-edge techniques. Learn how to spot opportunities then analyze and design custom strategies that suit your risk profile. Become a smarter and more efficient trader by learning how to find and analyze trades for seasonality, earnings, candlesticks, chart patterns and much more!