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Steve May

Managing Partner,

Bridgeview Real Estate

  • President and Founder at Bridgeview Real Estate
  • Founder and Owner of BV Capital

About Steve

Steve May founded Bridgeview Real Estate in 2011 and drives the strategic vision of the company. He takes the lead on sourcing debt for BV’s projects and was previously a real estate lender with $2.5 billion in total transaction volume.

Steve's Videos

Venturing into the alternative and private investing markets requires broadening your horizons beyond traditional investments. But the rewards for stepping out of your comfort zone can include greater profit and income potential, as well as better diversification. Hear from this panel of top event sponsors about the alternatives their firms offer—and how they can help enhance your returns. 

Notwithstanding anecdotes about tenants unable to pay rent during the pandemic, the multi-family sphere weathered 2020 better than other real estate sub-sectors. In fact, CBRE Research expects US multi-family investment volumes to reach $148 billion this year, up 33% over 2020 estimates. Multi-family housing and student housing have many similarities, including many of the same building methods and construction types. So, is this a good area to focus in 2021 and what should potential investors know about this sub-sector before making the leap? Find out the answers to these questions and more during this informative panel discussion.