Neil Macneale III photo


Neil Macneale III


2 for 1 Stock Split

  • Owner 2 for 1 Index® and 2 for 1® Stock Split Newsletter

About Neil

Neil Macneale writes and publishes the Web site and the 2 for 1Stock Split newsletter and licenses the 2 for 1 IndexMr. Macneale developed a procedure for picking and managing stocks that exploits the "Stock Split Advantage".

Neil's Articles

There were three 2-for-1 split announcements since my February newsletter. The recent banking sector turmoil gives us a very good opportunity to add one of them, Greene County Bancorp (GCBC), to the 2 for 1 Index, notes Neil Macneale, editor of the 2-for-1 Stock Split Newsletter.
2022 has been quite the year. Lots of disruptions and changes — war in Ukraine, political sturm und drang, extreme weather, recovery from Covid, and significant upheavals in the economy, to name a few, observes Neil Macneale, editor of 2-for-1 Stock Split Newsletter.
The mid-term elections are over and it's my impression that most folks are breathing a sigh of relief, suggests Neil Macneale, editor of 2-for-1 Stock Newsletter.
Investors have been struggling for the last year (8/31/21 through 8/31/22), with the market, measured by the S&P 500 Total Return Index, off by over 11%, asserts Neil Macneale, editor of 2-for-1 Stock Split Newsletter.
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MoneyShow/TradersEXPO Las Vegas

February 17 - 19, 2025