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Jim Woods


Intelligence Report

  • Editor of Successful Investing & Other Services
  • TipRanks' #1 Ranked Financial Blogger
  • 20 Year Broker, Hedge Fund Trader, Writer

About Jim

Jim Woods is a 20-plus-year veteran of the markets with varied experience as a broker, hedge fund trader, financial writer, author and newsletter editor. He is the editor and investment director of Intelligence Report, Successful Investing, Bullseye Stock Trader, High Velocity Options, and The Deep Woods e-Letter (Mr. Woods also co-directs the Fast Money Alert trading service, alongside Dr. Mark Skousen.) The independent firm TipRanks has rated Mr. Woods the #1 financial blogger in the world (out of more than 6,000 competing analysts), and has been ranked inside the Top 12 globally for more than a decade. His books include co-authoring, Billion Dollar Green: Profit from the Eco Revolution, and The Wealth Shield: How to Invest and Protect Your Money from Another Stock Market Crash, Financial Crisis or Global Economic Collapse. Mr. Woods formerly worked with Investor's Business Daily founder William J. O'Neil, helping to author training courses in the CANSLIM stock-picking methodology. He is known in professional and personal circles as "The Renaissance Man," because his expertise includes such varied fields as composing and performing music, western horsemanship, combat marksmanship, martial arts, auto racing, and bodybuilding. Mr. Woods holds a BA in philosophy from the University of California, Los Angeles, and is a former U.S. Army paratrooper. A self-described "radical for capitalism," he celebrates the virtue of making money from his Southern California horse ranch.

Jim's Articles

Did you watch that debacle, I mean, that debate last week? The current president’s performance was, well, how do I put this kindly…a disaster. Meanwhile, even the most generous fact-check on the former president was, shall we say, problematic. As for our money, the most important question here is “How will the presidential race affect markets going forward?” explains Jim Woods, editor of Successful Investing.
Going into last week, what mattered most for markets, at least in the near term, was whether the Consumer Price Index (CPI) data and the Federal Reserve decision and outlook would make a September rate cut more likely (bullish for stocks) or less likely (bearish for stocks). On Wednesday, we got the answer to both queries, and the net result was that a September rate cut is more likely, explains Jim Woods, editor of Successful Investing.
Investor sentiment and bullish “chasing” has been a notable part of the 2024 rally. But despite an almost universally bullish outlook from analysts and investors, sentiment, while bullish, is not yet at levels that would imply the rally is almost exhausted, advises Jim woods, editor of Successful Investing.
The expression “strike while the iron’s hot” is not a new idiom. It dates back to the 15th century, where it originated from blacksmiths who could only work with their iron while it was, well, hot. And much like a good chunk of iron, the market is burning hot enough for us to strike — strike at oil, that is. I like the iShares US Oil & Gas Exploration & Production ETF (IEO), counsels Jim Woods, editor of Successful Investing.

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