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Key Issues in Trading Commodities

Released on Thursday, August 12, 2021COMMODITIES

Commodity markets can provide interesting trading opportunities and returns. This panel of experts will explore key issues that informed commodity traders should be aware of when trading these exciting markets. Some of the issues covered will be:

  • What is a commodity super-cycle and are we at the beginning middle or end of it?
  • Is it possible the media's focus on inflation fanned the flames, and maybe even created a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy?
  • How important is an understanding of term structures to investing and trading in the commodity markets?
  • How important is the dollar's role in commodity trading?
  • What are the important clues that the neglected oats market tells us about the grain market generally?
  • What is the difference between cryptocurrencies and gold and why does it matter?
  • Is crypto a commodity or a currency, and does crypto have a future?

These topics and more will provide you with a broad overview of trading commodity markets.

Phil Flynn
The PRICE Futures Group, Senior Energy Analyst
Carley Garner
DeCarley Trading, Senior Commodity Market Strategist and Broker
Dennis Gartman
The Gartman Letter, L.C., Editor and Publisher
Daniel Gramza
Gramza Capital Management, Inc., President

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