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How to Achieve Tax Savings as a Trader

Released on Tuesday, October 5, 2021TAXES

Join Robert Green to learn the golden rules for eligibility for TTS. You can claim TTS for all or part of 2021 and 2020. TTS traders can deduct business, startup, organization, and home office expenses, whereas investors cannot.

TTS traders should consider a Section 475 MTM election for 2022; it's too late for 2021. Section 475 trades are exempt from wash sale loss adjustments and the capital loss limitation, and they are eligible for the 20% qualified business income (QBI) deduction. QBI excludes capital gains.

Tune in and discover how TTS traders use an S-Corp to deduct health insurance premiums and high-deductible retirement plan contributions. Consider an entity for 2022; it's getting too late for 2021.

Robert Green, CPA, CEO

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