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Dynamic Opportunities in Maritime Shipping

Released on Tuesday, November 14, 2023STOCKS

Maritime shipping continues to massively outperform the market during 2023 and the situation is even more dynamic than ever as conflict rages in the Middle East, disruptions continue around Ukraine, China attempts to regain economic footing, and the rest of the world remains uneasy. This level of uncertainty and volatility provides investors with some excellent value opportunities from some of the more overlooked names in the sector. Join us for the latest updates and top picks across some of the key shipping segments, with particular focus on crude tankers, product tankers, and dry bulk carriers. Learn more about our long-only model portfolios at Value Investor's Edge, which have returned 133% in 2021, 55% in 2022, and are up another 42% YTD in 2023. J Mintzmyer, Founder of Value Investor's Edge, will share some of his current top picks across the sectors along with exclusive research insights. You won't want to miss this one! Previous picks from the last three years of Money Show events have outperformed the S&P 500 by more than 300%, and J will share some of his latest picks for free!

J Mintzmyer, PhD
Value Investor's Edge, Founder and President

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