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Trade Futures Contracts Like Stocks, with Low Risk, Income, and Diversification

Released on Wednesday, November 14, 2018FUTURES

The primary disadvantage to trading futures relative to stocks is the lack of a dividend to cushion downside risk and the open ended risk exposure. However, traders can utilize the options market to mimic these stock market characteristics in their futures trading. Further, there is a way to play the upside in commodities using a diversified basket of commodities with the purchase of a single futures contract. Join experienced commodity broker, Carley Garner, to find how to shift futures market participation toward investing, and away from high leveraged speculation.


Topic discussed will include:

Advantages and disadvantages of trading futures vs. stocks.
Creating income in commodities where there is none.
Limiting downside risk in commodity trading to manageable levels.
How to trade a basket of commodity futures contracts with a single click of the mouse.
Understanding how to manage futures markets risks and leverage.
Increase the odds of success by trading options around futures positions.

Carley Garner
DeCarley Trading, Senior Commodity Market Strategist and Broker

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