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Internationally recognized trader and educator Dan Gramza, president of Gramza Capital Management, Inc., and founder of, has traded options for over 30 years. Learn five of the most common deadly option trading mistakes and solutions, how to identify specific techniques to set up a directional option trading opportunity, and his proprietary approach to Behavioral Japanese Candle trading techniques to current live markets. Whether you're new to trading or a seasoned pro, you'll find the information discussed in this webinar valuable.

Daniel Gramza
Gramza Capital Management, Inc.,
Dan Gramza is president of Gramza Capital Management, Inc. Mr. Gramza is a trader, international institutional consultant, and author of the book Trading in the Eye of the Storm. Often quoted in media worldwide, his commentary is viewed in over 150 countries. Mr. Gramza has presented courses to traders from over 37 exchanges, 450 institutions, four regulators, and 35 countries. He provides free daily commentary on 22 markets on his website.
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