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Why We Believe Our Strategy Has Beaten the S&P

Released on Wednesday, March 23, 2022MONEY MANAGEMENT
Ask most academics and investment authors and most investment professionals and they will tell you it is foolhardy to expect to beat the S&P 500. They will tell you to lower your expectations. But then how do you explain that over the past 16 years the composite of our clients at AFC has in fact done better than the S&P. The composite is the compilation of each of our equity clients with no carve outs. Is it luck or coincidence? We believe there is a reason, and our team is willing to share how the composite of our clients have beaten the S&P 500 over the last 16 years.

Mike Adams
Adams Financial Concepts, LLC, President and Principal
Albert Souza
Adams Financial Concepts, LLC, Vice President and Financial Advisor
Chris Yand
Adams Financial Concepts, LLC, Financial Advisor, IAR Fiduciary

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