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The Millennial's Approach to Trading and Forward-Looking Prediction for the 20's

Released on Wednesday, November 18, 2020OPTIONS
Jack Roberts is the director of options strategies and micro-futures at Simpler Trading. Although that scope seems very specific, he's filled with some very interesting insights and discoveries of his own that not only challenge the status quo but can be very eye-opening and validating when looking into the future. Mr. Roberts spends the majority of his time trading, consulting, and teaching but one of his favorite things to do is open the eyes of those that may not have time to go down such rabbit holes. He is a seasoned successful trader of 10 years and running. Even though he is a millennial himself, Mr. Roberts has a very broad spectrum of life and trading experiences that allows him to teach and share from the heart. He prides himself on the thoroughness of his trading analysis and loves sharing the values and technical analysis he's learned through the years while being a valued partner at Simpler Trading. You are sure to have a few "aha" moments when he shows you his approach and technical analysis to the options universe, and as an extra bonus he will be letting you in on what is hot and what's not when it comes to growth, IPOs, and general macro trends for further investment.

Jack Roberts
Simpler Trading, Options Trading Specialist

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