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Introduced in 2019, this daily swing trading strategy has consistently offered traders a steady flow of bankable profits. A pure play on the US equity market, the strategy can be traded with a geared ETF which tracks the S&P500, or by leveraging the power of E-mini futures. This offers the huge advantage of not having to screen lists of stocks looking for something to trade. During this comprehensive session, Ian Murphy will introduce the strategy and explain why it remains one of his go-to money-makers with real-life examples of recently closed trades.
Ian Murphy
Murphy Financial Trading,
Ian Murphy is a full-time trader offering education, analysis, and tools to international equity and futures traders. He trades his own account using trend-following, swing trading, and day trading strategies. He is the author of Way of the Trader—A Complete Guide to the Art of Financial Trading, which has been published in the US, UK, India, and China.
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