Stocks to Buy (or Sell) in the Months Ahead*
John Dobosz, Forbes Premium Income Report & Forbes Dividend Investor, Editor
John McCamant, Medical Technology Stock Letter, Editor
Natalie Pace, The ABCs of Money, Author
Tim Plaehn, Investors Alley, a Subsidiary of Magnifi Communities, Lead Research Analyst
Kelley Wright, Investment Quality Trends, Managing Editor
The investment world has dramatically changed in recent years as markets responded to recession, consolidation, deflation, and the pandemic. Discover how this panel of ace stockpickers separate fact from fiction to maximize their profit opportunities. Hear their forecasts on interest rates, inflation, energy, and more. Each panelist will share five specific picks, and you'll learn which stocks are poised to soar, which are undervalued and ripe for picking, and which to avoid or sell!
Course Content
4 Chapters
• 2:05:13 Duration
Part 1 – Overview
- Moderator will give a short overview of what the panel will be about, providing a bird’s eye view into the current economic and market conditions and investment opportunities in the current environment.
Part 2 – Individual Panelist’s Market Perspectives
- Their overview of the economy and market forecast.
- Which sectors they believe could outperform in the year ahead.
- The best way(s) for investors to gain exposure to these sectors and limit risks.
Part 3 – Individual Panelist’s Stock Picks
- Their specific stock picks and recommendations on how investors can make money in this market.
- What key indicators investors should look for.
- Different ways they use to identify winners and losers.
- Recommendations of how investors should allocate their assets in today’s economy, etc.
Part 4 – Wrap-up
- Panelists comment on other panelists’ picks and recommendations.
- Moderator summarizes any trends noticed among the various picks.
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