21 ETFs to Watch in 2021
Eric Balchunas, Bloomberg Intelligence, Senior ETF Analyst
The ETF industry is the Silicon Valley of the investment world, with an explosion of cutting-edge funds offering targeted and often low-cost exposures. In this MoneyMastersSM Course, you'll hear from Bloomberg's senior ETF analyst, Eric Balchunas, about 21 ETFs on the market right now that Bloomberg research analysts are watching in 2021 that tap into the biggest trends and themes. He will also provide tips for analyzing and investing in ETFs.
Course Content
5 Chapters
• 1:59:03 Duration
Lesson 1: Overview
Get an understanding of what ETFs are and why they are growing so fast. You'll discover why they are so cheap, liquid, and tax efficient. We'll also do a quick examination of how they fit into broader market.
Lesson 2: How to Pick an ETF
Learn the ins and outs of ETF due diligence. You'll discover how to properly kick the tires on ETFs by comparing and contrasting their exposures, cost, liquidity profile, and risk.
Lesson 3: Rising Star ETFs to Watch
This introduction to ETFs will start with a look at some of the fastest growing funds on the market. We will look into why they are growing and who their competing funds are. The ETFs in this section will include all asset classes and selected themes.
Lesson 4: Hidden Gem ETFs to Watch
Take a deep dive into some of the smaller ETFs that have potential to be big someday. These ETFs are also selected for how they tap into some cutting-edge themes in the ETF market place. The ETFs in this section will include all asset classes and selected themes.
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Eric Balchunas is senior ETF analyst for Bloomberg Intelligence where he writes research for the Bloomberg Terminal. He also helped create and appears on the first-ever ETF TV show called Bloomberg ETF IQ, as well as a podcast called Trillions. Mr. Balchunas is also a Bloomberg Opinion contributor and author of The Institutional ETF Toolbox, which was published by Wiley in March 2016. He holds a Bachelor's degree in journalism and environmental economics from Rutgers University.
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