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Ashley Tison


  • Co-Founder of
  • Opportunity Zone Sherpa
  • Experienced Entrepreneur and Practicing Attorney

About Ashley

Ashley Tison is an Opportunity Zone Sherpa, a practicing attorney, and experienced entrepreneur responsible for the founding and growth of numerous enterprises across a wide array of industries. As a co-founder of, he has built a team who concentrates on helping real estate entrepreneurs, developers, and SMB owners, with current or future capital gains taxes, create a strategy to be able to make investments in qualified opportunity zones that create tax-free wealth along with a community impact.

Ashley's Videos

Learn how you can take advantage of the greatest federal tax incentive ever created. Get a brief overview of the Opportunity Zone program, current state of the marketplace, best practices for investing in Opportunity Zones, how to create your own captive Qualified Opportunity Fund, and how the program may evolve under the Biden administration.