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Peter Boockvar


Bleakley Financial Group

About Peter

Peter Boockvar is the chief investment officer at Bleakley Financial Group, a NJ-based wealth management firm. He is also the editor of The Boock Report, a macro market newsletter. Prior to joining Bleakley, he was the chief market analyst at The Lindsey Group, a macro economic and market research firm founded by former Federal Reserve Governor Larry Lindsey. Before this, Mr. Boockvar worked as a macro analyst and portfolio manager for a brief time at Omega Advisors and had previously been a partner at Miller Tabak + Company where he was the equity strategist and a portfolio manager.

Peter's Articles

We might be on the cusp of a global (outside of Japan) “rate tweaking” cycle instead of a “rate cutting” cycle. Meanwhile, foreigners bought a net $46 billion of US notes and bonds in May, according to Treasury data. But it seems that Japan might have sold some Treasuries in order to fund their FX intervention, writes Peter Boockvar, editor of The Boock Report.
New home sales in May, measuring contract signings of freshly made construction and thus more timely than existing home sales that calculate the number of closings, totaled 619,000. That was 24,000 less than expected. But April was revised up by 64,000 to 698,000, which was the most since July 2023, advises Peter Boockvar, editor of The Boock Report.
Payrolls grew by 272,000 in May, almost 100,000 above the estimate of 180,000. The private sector contributed 229,000 of this, versus the forecast of 165,000. Revisions to the two prior months were down a combined 15,000. But in stark contrast, the household survey said 408,000 jobs were lost, elaborates Peter Boockvar, editor of The Boock Report.
Pending home sales in April fell a sharp 7.7% month over month, well more than the anticipated 1% decline. This takes the index to just 0.5 points from the lowest level on record dating back to 2001, notes Peter Boockvar, editor of The Boock Report.