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Michael Cook

World Cup Advisor,


  • World Cup Advisor

About Michael

Michael Cook has been a full-time trader since 1996 and has held roles as a senior trader, director, and quantitative strategist at various institutions including investment banks, commodity trading advisors, and hedge funds. He was previously a governor of the London School of Economics, holds two postgraduate degrees, and is a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment. Mr. Cook won both the stocks and futures divisions (twice) of the annual Robbins World Cup Championship of Trading.

Michael's Videos

We assembled an amazing group of actual World Cup Trading Championships® winners to discuss what they see as the key drivers of trading success. Our panelists have all won the famous Robbins World Cup Trading Championship. This is an opportunity to hear directly from some of the best traders in the world today. Come listen to the champions share their methods on winning the trading game.