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Jonathan Hoenig

Portfolio Manager,

Capitalistpig Hedge Fund, LLC

  • Founder of
  • Author of Greed is Good: The Capitalist Pig Guide to Investing
  • Name one of Crain's "Forty Under Forty"

About Jonathan

Jonathan Hoenig is the portfolio manager at Capitalistpig Hedge Fund LLC, a highly successful private partnership that he has run since 2000. A former floor trader at the Chicago Board of Trade, he authored several books, with his most recent book, Price is Primary, published in 2021. Mr. Hoenig appears regularly on FOX News Channel and has written for several publications including the Wall Street Journal Europe, Wired, Trader Monthly, and He was named one of Crain's "Forty Under Forty," and is a member of the Economic Club of Chicago, as well as a proponent of Ayn Rand's philosophy-objectivism.

Jonathan's Videos

Size does matter! It’s one thing to have a good investment idea, it’s another to be able to successfully profit from it in your portfolio. Too often our winners are too small and losers far too large. So once you pick a stock, how much should you buy? When should you cut or add more? Join Jonathan Hoenig, former floor trader and Fox News contributor, for an immediately useful presentation on how to size your trades for long-term success. 

Most investors opt for well-known funds that mimic the S&P 500 or Nasdaq. But there's a wide assortment of off-the-radar "exotic" ETFs that track markets ranging from currencies to commodities to frontier economies most people can't find on a map.  Inspired by his popular weekly segment on Fox Business' Varney & Co, join hedge fund manager Jonathan Hoenig for an actionable talk on how to diversify and profit using unusual ETFs.  

Earlier this year Jonathan Hoenig made a dramatic call on the dollar. Find out how he's playing the recent volatility and learn how you can potentially profit from a bear market in the buck. Mr. Hoenig is a published author, Fox News Contributor, and portfolio manager at

Successful investing isn't about always being right in the market, but in your thinking and approach. Because bull markets come and go, it's how you invest, not what you invest in, that makes the biggest difference to your bottom line. Learn the basic philosophy that helped Jonathan Hoenig, a Fox News Contributor and hedge fund manager, beat the S&P 500 over 20 years, in this valuable, actionable talk.

Jonathan's Books

Jonathan Hoenig

Greed Is Good: The Capitalist Pig Guide to Investing

This book is a practical but punchy ride through the money maze. 
Jonathan Hoenig

The Pit: Photographic Portrait of the Chicago Trading Floor

Inspired by the 1903 book by Frank Norris, THE PIT is the story of successful businessman who casually begins trading, only to be swept in and ultimately ruined by the Chicago futures markets, a fascination “worse than liquor, worse than morphine.” Featuring pages of lush, color and B&W photos of the trading floor’s most thrilling era along with an epilogue documenting its final years.