Robert Arnott photo


Robert Arnott

Chairman and Founder,

Research Affiliates, LLC

  • Received Five Graham and Dodd Award for the Best Articles of the Year

About Robert

Robert Arnott is chairman of Research Affiliates, LLC, and the editor emeritus of the Financial Analysts Journal. Mr. Arnott has authored over 100 articles for journals such as the Journal of Portfolio Management and the Harvard Business Review. He has received five Graham and Dodd scrolls or awards for the best articles of the year and declined a sixth award during his tenure as editor. Mr. Arnott introduced the concept of fundamental indexation which is built on a theoretical foundation that challenges some of the core assumptions of modern finance. For this product area, he has partnered with Claymore, FTSE, IPM, Nomura Asset Management, PIMCO, PowerShares, Pro-Financial Asset Management, and Charles Schwab.

Robert's Videos

Founder and chairman of Research Affiliates, Rob Arnott explores the myths prevailing in our current market environment, which in turn, give rise to potentially rewarding long-term opportunities. In his 30-minute session, Rob puts into perspective the stock valuations of today's most popular companies, explains how to identify asset bubbles (and anti-bubbles), and discusses where compelling long-term market opportunities reside.

Rob Arnott, chairman and founder of Research Affiliates, LLC, will debunk commonly-embraced views surrounding today's highly-concentrated, frothy US stock market, before delving into long-term capital market return forecasts that investors can reasonably expect.

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Investment Masters Symposium Silicon Valley

May 7 - 9, 2024