About Robert
Robert Carlson is editor of the monthly newsletter and website, Retirement Watch. He is chairman of the board of trustees of the Fairfax County Employees' Retirement System, which has over $3 billion in assets, and was a member of the board of trustees of the Virginia Retirement System, which oversaw $42 billion in assets, from 2001-2005. He co-authored Personal Finance After 50 for Dummies (with Eric Tyson). Previous books include Invest Like a Fox...Not Like a Hedgehog and The New Rules of Retirement.
Robert's Articles
Is the Era of Conglomerates Over? When I was making my way through college, business conglomerates were the big thing and continued to be well-regarded for a long time. But some high-profile changes have cast doubt on conglomerates. Honeywell International Inc. (HON) is an example, remarks Rob Carlson, editor of Retirement Watch.
Many people make mistakes with their retirement finances because they pay too much attention to the financial media, especially cable television shows. The goal of most financial media isn’t to educate. It’s to attract and retain viewers, which they generally do by stimulating emotions, especially fear and excitement, advises Bob Carlson, editor of Retirement Watch.
The yield curve is about to turn positive, and that could mean a widely followed recession indicator gave a false signal for most of the last two years. The yield curve is a plot of the yields on Treasury debt of different durations. A normal yield curve is positively sloped, explains Bob Carlson, editor of Retirement Watch.
A margin of safety policy pays off. Most of our investments handled early August’s market meltdown better than the major stock market indexes. In market drops, they’ll hold up better than the major indexes while earning solid returns during high-spirited markets. Meanwhile, I recommend the Invesco India ETF (PIN), advises Bob Carlson, editor of Retirement Watch.
Robert's Videos
Tax increases are the focus in Washington as Congress seeks to pay for the money it spent during the pandemic, and the trillions of dollars it wants to spend in the future. But many valuable tax strategies aren't going to be touched by Congress. Robert Carlson will review valuable ways to make investments and income tax free, increase deductions, and otherwise shelter income from taxes.
Congress and the IRS have been busy recently making a lot of changes in IRAs and the other key elements of your retirement plan. In this presentation, Robert Carlson discusses what you need to know about Stretch IRAs, required minimum distributions, IRA conversions, Social Security's solvency and how it affects you, and much more.
Congress and the IRS have been busy recently, making a lot of changes in IRA's and the other key elements of your retirement plan. In this presentation, Bob Carlson discusses what you need to know about Stretch IRAs, required minimum distributions, IRA conversions, Social Security's solvency and how it affects you, and much more.
Robert Carlson, retirement planning expert, explains the Secure Act and how it could affect your retirement planning.
Robert's Courses
Robert's Books
Robert Carlson
The New Rules of Retirement: Strategies for a Secure Future
Robert C. Carlson uses proven, profitable techniques to coordinate all the factors that lead to financial security and independence. You'll learn how much you really need to save for retirement, how to invest that nest egg before and during retirement, and how to establish a wise and sustainable spending strategy.
Robert Carlson
Personal Finance After 50 For Dummies
Numerous life changes come with the territory of getting older—as we're reminded every day by anti-aging campaigns—but one change the media doesn't often mention is the need for a shifting approach to personal financial management. Personal Finance After 50 For Dummies, 2nd Edition offers the targeted information you need to make informed decisions regarding your investments, spending, and how to best protect your wealth.
Newsletter Contributions
Retirement Watch
Published every Sunday and delivered to your email inbox. In each issue, Bob Carlson shares valuable tips and actionable insights on retirement topics like estate planning, taxes, IRAs, and many more.
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