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Hilary Kramer



  • Editor of GameChangers & 6 Other Services
  • Host of Millionaire Maker Radio Show/Podcast
  • #1 Best-Selling Author of 3 Books

About Hilary

Hilary Kramer is an investment analyst and portfolio manager with 30 years of experience on Wall Street. The Financial Times describes her as "A one-woman financial investment powerhouse" and The Economist distinguishes her as "One of the best-known investors in America." Ms. Kramer independently published newsletters including GameChangers, Value Authority, High Octane Trader, 2-Day Trader, IPO Edge, and Inner Circle. She is often quoted in publications such as the Wall Street Journal, New York Post, Bloomberg, and Reuters. Ms. Kramer is a frequent guest commentator on CNBC, CBS, Fox News, and Bloomberg, providing investment insight and economic analysis.

Hilary's Articles

Our active Buy List is now carrying a net 68.7% in paper profit...more than ever and triple the 22% I targeted a year ago as our “magic number” for clawing our way out of the 2022 bear market as fast as mathematically possible. One leader, The Trade Desk Inc. (TTD), is already breaking post-pandemic records and is 14% from its all-time high, explains Hilary Kramer, editor of Game Changers.
Last week, the quarterly reports turned against us. Don’t blame the numbers. The pattern was practically repetitive, with the trailing results beating all expectations and guidance raising the bar even further for the future. Yet the stocks I target took a step to the downside, including Palantir Technologies, Inc. (PLTR), highlights Hilary Kramer, editor of Game Changers.
For a lot of people on Wall Street, the past week has been a holding period. While the news has generally been constructive, investors aren’t quite ready to commit to a “soft landing” until they dodge a few more walls of worry. Meanwhile, I want to talk about one of my “perennial yield stocks,” FS KKR Capital Corp. (FSK), writes Hilary Kramer, editor at IPO Edge.

Hilary's Videos

Hilary Kramer, President of Greentech Research, knows 2022 was a tough market for investors. But she's MUCH more optimistic about the bull market set up for 2023 and beyond. She highlights her favorit
With only one member of the elite Dow industrials in positive territory so far this quarter, the Fed has ensured another stormy season on Wall Streetmany stocks are so deeply depressed that investors itching to buy the dip are overwhelmed with superficially tempting opportunities. But some stocks deserve to be broken and nobody wants to catch a falling knife. Hilary Kramer is buying selectively, with one eye toward defense in the near term while stocking her portfolio with the kind of stocks poised to thrive once the market mood gets back to normal. Come see what she has on her screen!

With only one member of the elite Dow industrials in positive territory so far this quarter, the Fed has ensured another stormy season on Wall Streetmany stocks are so deeply depressed that investors itching to buy the dip are overwhelmed with superficially tempting opportunities. But some stocks deserve to be broken and nobody wants to catch a falling knife. Hilary Kramer is buying selectively, with one eye toward defense in the near term while stocking her portfolio with the kind of stocks poised to thrive once the market mood gets back to normal. Come see what she has on her screen!

As conventional venture capital funds pile into the hottest start-up prospects, waiting for the IPO window isn't always a great option. We've done extremely well with "back door" offerings that bypass Wall Street, and now the rules are relaxing as regulators acknowledge that this system for matching investors with opportunities is the future. Hilary Kramer, author of the best-selling GameChanger Investing and editor of IPO Edge, has earned elite subscribers a lot of triple-digit wins in her career. Now she's eager to take those rarefied returns up another level, taking you into realms once reserved for the ultimate market insiders.

Hilary's Books

Hilary Kramer

GameChanger Investing: How to Profit from Tomorrow's Billion-Dollar Trends

Wall Street seems short on vision these days. Investors are living day to day, planning no further than the next quarterly earnings reports. That’s no way to invest. Former investment banker and hedge fund manager Hilary Kramer advocates a different approach: GameChanger Investing. Based on her thirty-plus years managing billions of investment dollars
Hilary Kramer

The Little Book of Big Profits from Small Stocks Website: Why You'll Never Buy a Stock Over $10 Again

Low-priced gems, or what author Hilary Kramer calls "breakout stocks" come in all kinds of shapes and sizes but they all have three things in common: (1) they are mostly under $10; (2) they are undervalued; and (3) they have specific catalysts in the near future that put them on the threshold of breaking out to much higher prices. In The Little Book of Big

Newsletter Contributions


Hilary Kramer's flagship newsletter, GameChangers identifies breakthrough, mega-trendsetter stocks ahead of the Wall Street herd, with a goal of delivering at least one double-digit gain every month.

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