Michael Mikhail
Stratton Equities
About Michael
Michael Mikhail is the founder and CEO of Stratton Equities, the nation's leading hard money and NON-QM lender to national real estate investors, with the largest variety of mortgage loans and programs under one roof.
Michael's Articles
Sponsored Content - Real estate investment loans can be tricky and it can be unclear at times which ones are the best, says Michael Mikhail, CEO, Stratton Equities.
Sponsored Content - QM stands for a qualified mortgage. Qualified mortgages tend to be traditional government-backed loans and conventional loans (basically NON-government backed traditional loans), says Michael Mikhail, CEO, Stratton Equities.
Sponsored Content - There are many benefits to using an asset-based loan for the beginning real estate investor, says Michael Mikhail, CEO, Stratton Equities.