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Michael Perry



About Michael

Michael Perry has been in the energy efficient industry and homebuilding industry for 25 years. Mr. Perry was selected by the Kansas Legislature to advise on energy efficiency and quality construction standards. He was twice acknowledged as one of America's top 100 builders. Mr. Perry has been involved with local, state, and national homebuilding industry. He currently is a national trainer on probiotics for indoor environments.

Michael's Videos

Introducing the World's First Probiotic Air-Surface and Object Purifier for use in residential and commercial buildings and the AgriGrow Industry. Learn what the largest threat to human health is world wide and how this new breakthrough patented technology developed from biochemists in Israel can protect your home and family from allergens, harmful bacteria and viruses, mold,dust mites and offensive odors. Discover how to fight mold,mildew and fungus safely and naturally in your grow rooms and dry rooms and how Sick Building Syndrome effects millions and what to do about it. We are seeking global partners with exclusivity. This presentation can truly change and save lives.