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How We Find Great Stocks You Never Hear About from Bay or Wall Street

Released on Tuesday, November 30, 2021STOCKS

Veteran Canadian and US growth stock analyst, Ryan Irvine, will show you how expanding your portfolio to include great, profitable, lesser-known growth stocks can be game-changing for any Canadian portfolio and why just 2-3 great investment ideas in your lifetime can boost your portfolio. This presentation will include real examples from Keystone's research on how $20,000 invested in Boyd Group (BYD: TSX) became over $2.5 million in 12 years and $20,000 invested in XPEL (XPEL: NASDAQ) became over $750,000 in just four years. Both are great stocks Canadian investors did not hear about from their big bank advisors.

Find out how Keystone Financial uncovers these great growth stocks and what to look for in a capital compounding investment such as Boyd and XPEL. Learn how KeyStone looks at over 4,000 stocks to find 10 unique, profitable, underfollowed growth stocks each year and get 2-4 of KeyStone's top-rated Canadian and US small-cap stocks you can buy today!

Ryan Irvine
KeyStone Financial, President and CEO

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