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Why You Need a New Investment Strategy in a Post-Election World: My 5 Favorite Ways to Profit in 2021
Released on Wednesday, November 18, 2020•STOCKS
Even though the two major parties have stark differences in their policies, no matter who runs the federal government, they will face serious challenges—bailing out major industries, state and local governments, and out-of-control spending at the federal level. In this important session, Dr. Mark Skousen will assess the K-style economy, revealing what industries will do well and what markets won't. He will recommend five investment opportunities in technology and mining stocks, the two areas he feels have the most potentially explosive gains.

Mark Skousen
Forecasts & Strategies,
Mark Skousen is known as "America's Economist," having recently been named one of the top 20 living economists in the world. Dr. Skousen has taught economics and finance at Columbia Business School and was recently appointed the first Doti-Spogli Endowed Chair of Free Enterprise at Chapman University in California. He is the editor of the award-winning investment newsletter, Forecasts & Strategies, the author of The Maxims of Wall Street, and has the unique distinction of having worked three careers—working for the government (the CIA), non-profits (president of FEE), and for-profit corporations (consultant to IBM, and producer of FreedomFest).
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