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How to Overcome Inflation with Predictable Monthly Income
Released on Wednesday, September 7, 2022•REAL ESTATE
Learn how to earn consistent passive income and diversify your portfolio with one simple investment vehicle. In this session, one of the managing partners of Bequest Funds, Martin Saenz, explains how their fund leverages the secondary mortgage market to generate 8% or 9% annual preferred returns for investors. Monthly payments from borrowers become monthly passive income for investors. Join us to learn more about Bequest Funds' conservative underwriting model and investor benefits including monthly passive income distributions, zero fees, and investment liquidity following a mere 12-month lock-in period. Earn consistent income and diversify your portfolio to include real estate assets with Bequest Funds.

Martin Saenz
BeQuest Funds,
Managing Partner
Martin Saenz, managing partner of BeQuest Funds, has 12 years of real estate and note fund investing and 16 years of entrepreneurship experience. He holds an MBA from Drexel University and MS in project management from George Washington University. Mr. Saenz has personally helped over 1000 borrowers stay in their homes with affordable payments.
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