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Selling options can involve substantial risk-but that may not always be the case. By introducing a long option to the short one, investors can potentially limit their risk while at the same time, generating premium income through the use of credit spreads. Join Mark Benzaquen of The Options Industry CouncilSM (OIC) as he dissects both bullish and bearish credit spreads in this fast-paced and informative session.

Mark Benzaquen
OCC/The Options Industry Council,
Principal, Investor Education
Building on over 25 years in the financial industry, Mark Benzaquen's experience enables him to serve as an industry advocate for both individual investors and financial professionals alike. In his role as principal of investor education at OCC, he is responsible for providing support to a comprehensive options resource center that provides information and education about options and supports all products traded on all OCC participant exchanges. Mr. Benzaquen also serves as an instructor and content creator of the Options Industry Council (OIC), conducting options seminars, presenting online webinars, and creating online education courses with a focus on options.
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