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Edward Yardeni


Yardeni Research, Inc.

  • Author of Predicting the Markets
  • World’s Most Experienced “Fed Watcher”
  • One of LinkedIn’s 2019 Top Voices in Economy & Finance

About Edward

Dr. Ed Yardeni is the president of Yardeni Research, Inc., a provider of global investment strategy and asset allocation analyses and recommendations. He previously served as chief investment strategist for Oak Associates, Prudential Equity Group, and Deutsche Bank's US equities division in New York City. Dr. Yardeni taught at Columbia University's Graduate School of Business and was an economist with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. He is frequently quoted in the financial press, including The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and Barron's.

Edward's Articles

We've previously written that our number one concern for the stock market is unsettling domestic and global political turmoil. The attempt to assassinate former President Donald Trump on Saturday heightened anxiety about political violence at home as the November elections approach. Then again, the stock market has a history of tuning out domestic and global political shocks, writes Edward Yardeni, editor of Yardeni QuickTakes.
May's retail sales, including food services, rose just 0.1% month-over-month, weaker than expected. But that's in current dollars. Adjusted for inflation, they were not as weak. CPI goods fell 0.1% m/m during May. So, real retail sales, less food services, rose 0.3%. Much of the recent weakness in retail sales has been in housing-related merchandise since housing sales remain weak, writes Ed Yardeni, editor of Yardeni QuickTakes.
Hooray! The S&P 500 closed slightly above our year-end target of 5,400 earlier this week. The same thing happened to us last year: We were forecasting 4,600 by the end of 2024 and got there by mid-year. The index closed around 4,800 at the end of last year. “So, what do we do now?” asks Ed Yardnei, editor of Yardeni QuickTakes.

Edward's Videos

Inflation. Growth. Credit. These are three key forces that will impact America’s economic outlook in 2024. The only question is...how? Will cooling inflation allow the Federal Reserve to not only stop raising interest rates, but potentially cut them? Will growth slow, but not grind to a halt, encouraging stock investors to take on more risk? Will the credit markets continue to tighten, without seizing up? Get the answers YOU need to those questions and more in this hard-hitting panel featuring top economists and investment strategists. Then put the guidance you receive to work in your portfolio in 2024.
The US economy seems to be heading into a recession, while inflation remains high. It's hard to be an optimist under the circumstances. Indeed, during June 2022, one measure of consumer sentiment fell to the lowest on record starting in 1952. Also in June, the Investors Intelligence Bull/Bear Ratio was the lowest it has been since the bottom of the bear market during the Great Financial Crisis. Might there be too much pessimism? The past year has been like living through the stagflationary 1970s, but on fast forward. However, a mild recession could help to bring inflation down sooner rather than later, setting the stage for recovery with gains to be had again in the bond and stock market. Dr. Ed Yardeni will provide a balanced discussion of what could go right and what could go wrong over the next 12 months, as well as the rest of this decade.

Rising inflation, rising interest rates, and rising market instability made for a confounding environment last year. So, where can investors turn for relief in 2023? What sectors are likely to prosper as the Federal Reserve's policy approach shifts? Which sectors will fall further behind? And if your goal is income, what equity and fixed income investments make the most sense?

Fed Chair Jerome Powell has been increasingly hawkish. Indeed he, along with his colleagues on the Federal Open Market Committee, unanimously raised the federal funds rate by 75 basis points on Wednesday, September 21 after doing the same at the previous two meetings of the Fed's monetary policy committee. The Fed is committed to bringing inflation down even if that causes a recession, according to Powell. So, is a recession inevitable? Might inflation moderate without a recession. Dr. Ed Yardeni will address these and other questions relevant to bond and stock investors.

Edward's Books

Edward Yardeni

S&P 500 Earnings, Valuation, and the Pandemic: A Primer for Investors

In this unique primer, Edward Yardeni and Joseph Abbott, two of the world’s most experienced and widely followed investment strategists, provide investors with a practical understanding of the forces that drive the stock market. This study focuses on the S&P 500 stock price index, examining how it is determined by the earnings of the 500 companies that are included in the index and the valuation of those earnings by the stock market. Notwithstanding occasional bear
Edward Yardeni

The Yield Curve: What Is It Really Predicting?

The yield curve is now as widely followed by the financial press as movie stars are followed by paparazzi. The tabloids often comment on any noticeable changes in the physical features of the celebrities they stalk. Similarly, the financial paparazzi are obsessed with the shape of the yield curve.
Edward Yardeni

Predicting the Markets: A Professional Autobiography

Ed Yardeni takes readers on a fascinating journey retracing the economic and financial ups and downs from the late 1970s through today. Along the way, he mines the lessons of the past for insights that inform how to be thinking about the future.