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Bryan Perry


Cash Machine

  • Editor of Cash Machine & 4 Other Services
  • Former Wall Street Financial Advisor for 20 Years
  • Expert in High-Yield Investments & Trading

About Bryan

For over a decade, Bryan Perry has brought his expertise on high-yielding investments to his Cash Machine subscribers. Before launching the Cash Machine advisory service, Bryan spent more than 20 years working as a financial adviser for major Wall Street firms, including Bear Stearns, Paine Webber and Lehman Brothers. Bryan co-hosted weekly financial news shows on the Bloomberg affiliate radio network from 1997 to 1999, and he's frequently quoted by Forbes, Business Week and CBS' MarketWatch. He often participates as a guest speaker on numerous investment forums and regional money shows around the nation. With over three decades of experience inside Wall Street, Bryan has proved himself to be an asset to subscribers who are looking to receive a juicy check in the mail each month, quarter, or year. Bryan's experience has given him a unique approach to high-yield investing: He combines his insights into dividend-paying investments with in-depth fundamental research in order to pick stocks with high dividend yields and potential capital appreciation. With his reputation for taking complex investment strategies and breaking them down to easy-to-understand advice for investors, Bryan also has several other services. His other services range from products that generate a juicy income flow to quick capital gains by using a variety of other strategies in his Premium Income PRO, Quick Income Trader, Breakout Profits Alert, Micro-Cap Stock Trader and Hi-Tech Trader services.

Bryan's Articles

Following the Q2 earnings season, it should be clear to investors that the disruptive transformational changes and advancements being brought about by the implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) are not some one-off, or temporary, paradigm shift that has a half-life of 12-18 months. Serious income can be generated from selling out-of-the-money covered calls on key AI stocks, suggests Bryan Perry, editor of Cash Machine.
DHT Holdings Inc. (DHT) just reported second-quarter earnings of $0.27 per share, a penny light of consensus of $0.28. Revenues fell 8.2% year-over-year to $103.7 million versus the $102.75 million FactSet consensus, notes Bryan Perry, editor of Cash Machine.
For the first half of 2024, the market was led higher by a narrow group of mega-cap tech stocks as capital investment into Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been the center of attention. And rightly so. Now, bulls are embracing a broadening out of sector participation. I like AGNC Investment Corp. (AGNC) here, explains Bryan Perry, editor of Cash Machine.
The financial media and some so-called Wall Street gurus are banging the drum that the Artificial Intelligence (AI) trade is being overpriced and way ahead of expectations about what this once-in-a-lifetime secular theme will deliver to investors. But I think this round of consolidation in the leading AI names is highly constructive, advises Bryan Perry, editor of Dividend Investing Weekly.

Bryan's Videos

In this Eagle Financial Publications panel, Eagle's experts will discuss the key aspects needed to bring the bull market back... and what sectors will soar. Moderated by Roger Michalski. Panelists include Dr. Mark Skousen, Bryan Perry and Jim Woods.

Join Jim Woods, Bryan Perry, Jon Johnson and moderator Roger Michalski in this Eagle panel where you'll discover not only the 10 things great investors do, but you'll get a stock pick from each of Eagle's experts!

In this Eagle Financial Publications panel, you'll receive 10 stocks picks that are set to soar in 2022. Moderated by Roger Michalski, you'll hear Mark Skousen, Jim Woods, and Bryan Perry each give 3-4 picks and their overall outlook for 2022. Have your pencils sharpened and ready to take notes!

Of all the various option strategies utilized by professional and retail traders, there are few that can deliver the consistent results with the level of simplicity as the selling of naked put options. Bryan Perry, editor of Quick Income Trader has been delivering winning naked put trades 83% of the time he recommends a strategy, where the annualized return for 2021 is currently 373%! He will lay out just how easy this money-making method is for even the novice option trader to put to immediate use and show how time decay in the option market can be a powerful weapon of profit generation.

Newsletter Contributions

Cash Machine

Bryan's income-investing-only monthly advisory features three portfolios (Safe-Haven, Accelerated income and Extreme Income) with the goal to deliver a blended total yield of 10%, plus share price appreciation.

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