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Steve Reitmeister


  • CEO of, Fast Growing Investment Website
  • Editor of 2 Top-Performing Newsletters Per Hulbert Digest
  • Invited to White House to Meet President, Economic Advisors

About Steve

Steve Reitmeister brings over 40 years of experience to help individual investors find outperformance. For the better part of the past two decades, he was the editor-in-chief of, where millions of investors enjoyed his timely market insights. Mr. Reitmeister's commentary has also been featured on other leading investment websites including Yahoo! Finance, Seeking Alpha, CNNMoney, and MarketWatch. The best way to enjoy his insights and stock picks is through his Zen Investor newsletter on 

Steve's Articles

Here is one of my favorite investing expressions: It’s a bull market ‘til proven otherwise. This is not just a cute saying...but indeed very sound advice. That is because there are far too many experts talking about dark clouds that never lead to a true downpour, observes Steve Reitmeister, editor of the Zen Investor.
I like F5 Inc. (FFIV). It offers a blend of conservative and aggressive elements in one position, which I think is befitting the questionable spot we find ourselves with market conditions, says Steve Reitmeister, editor of Reitmeister Total Return.
It is easy to get sucked into the excess noise from the investment media with fear mongering headlines like “Dow Falls More than 500 Points,” states Steve Reitmeister of Reitmeister Total Return.
Yes, the rush up to 5,100 for the S&P 500 (SPY) was impressive, states Steve Reitmeister of Reitmeister Total Return.

Steve's Videos

Now a quarter into the new year it's already time to update the market outlook. The investing playbook that worked so well in 2023 has to be thrown out. We need to focus on these new leaders to enjoy superior results. That is why 43-year investment veteran, Steve Reitmeister, details a trading plan and top picks to outperform the remainder of the year. 

Here is the recent pattern. 2020 Bear—2021 Bull—:2022 Bear—2023 yes, we are all wondering what 2024 has in store for investors??? That is why 43-year investment veteran Steve Reitmeister shares his outlook, trading plan, and top picks for the year ahead.

40-year investment veteran Steve Reitmeister reviews the bull vs. bear case for the 2nd half of the year. Warning: Even though bulls are enjoying some 1st half gain, the bear market may soon come out of hibernation. This presentation includes Steve's trading plan and top picks to stay on the right side of the action.

Yes, we are still very much in a bear market. That is sometimes hard to see when there are still many impressive rallies. But history shows that this is all normal in a long-term process to find bottom that is still well below current levels. 40 year investment veteran Steve Reitmeister shares his current market outlook along with a trading plan with 10 top picks to not just survive, but actually thrive as this bear market claws its way lower.