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How to Catch the Big Swings with One Simple Strategy
Released on Wednesday, November 3, 2021•STRATEGIES
Wieland Arlt focuses on three criteria for his trading setups: a high probability of occurrence, a long way to the targeted goal, and a clear message if the market has changed its mind. These criteria are combined in the expander strategy presented.

Wieland Arlt,
Professional Trader, Bestselling Author, and IFTA President
Wieland Arlt, CFTe, is a trader, bestselling author, president of the International Federation of Technical Analysts (IFTA), a board member of the Association of Technical Analysts in Germany (VTAD), and world traveler. His declared goal in his trader training is to support traders in achieving their financial goals in a self-determined way and to trade successfully on the financial markets in the long term. Mr. Arlt can be reached at:
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