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Wieland Arlt

Professional Trader, Bestselling Author, and IFTA President,


  • Board Member of the Association of Technical Analysts

About Wieland

Wieland Arlt, CFTe, is a trader, bestselling author, president of the International Federation of Technical Analysts (IFTA), a board member of the Association of Technical Analysts in Germany (VTAD), and world traveler. His declared goal in his trader training is to support traders in achieving their financial goals in a self-determined way and to trade successfully on the financial markets in the long term. Mr. Arlt can be reached at: wieland-arlt@torero-traders-school.com

Wieland's Articles

Wieland Arlt is a bestselling author, trader, and president of the International Federation of Technical Analysts (IFTA). 
Trading is easy—or so you would think, explains Wieland Arlt of Torero-Traders-School.com.
In the first part, we had looked at the three criteria of trader burnout. A first criterion was the emotional exhaustion experienced by traders who are repeatedly torn between hope and disappointment, explains Wieland Arlt of Torero-Traders-School.com.
Trading demands top performance! In hardly any other profession are the psychological demands as high as in trading, explains Wieland Arlt of Torero-Traders-School.com.

Wieland's Videos

In trading everything is possible… When planning a trade, traders usually care for the entry, stop loss, and take profit. Fair enough, as these are the main elements of a proper strategy. But what happens DURING the trade? Most traders are unprepared for all the moves within the trade. They are unprepared for losses turning into profits and vice versa. And while watching their accounts grow and decrease within a second the subconscious mind kicks in and brings all the fear and doubt with it. As a result, traders tend to make severe mistakes in trade management, which leads to unplanned losses instead of the desired profits. 

If you think that making money is about the perfect strategy, you better think twice. Because even the best strategy is worthless if you don´t find the perfect situation for it. This brings us to the most important tool in trading and investing: The screener. Of course, you can go through your list day by day and use hours for this. But why should you do this, if you can do the same within a second?Wieland Arlt, CFTe and president of the International Federation of Technical Analysts shows you not only how to trade his preferred strategy but also, how you can find countless stocks giving you promising opportunities daily. 

Join Wieland Arlt, CFTe and President of the International Federation of Technical Analysts shows in his presentation how traders can use the best of both worlds. Reading the priceaction and trading in real-time as well as using selected lagging indicators to make better trading decisions. Using both, traders will make fewer but better trades with higher risk-reward-ratios and less misinterpretation.

What is trading about? Of course, making profits. But this is easier said than done. It is not only missing management of a trade that keeps traders away from making profits. Mostly it is a too complicated strategy that gives too much room for interpretation—and therefore mistakes. Wieland Arlt, CFTe and president of IFTA chooses a more simple and practical approach. He likes to find his trades at a glance, not leaving room for interpretation and offering hands-on management rules. In his presentation, Wieland shows how his strategy works and how he manages his trades. Visitors get a deep insight into his approach and learn also how to spot reversals immediately.