Crucell NV (CRXL)
CRXL Volatility Low at 40

Crucell NV (CRXL) is recently down $.57 to $23.06 in pre-open trading. CRXL is a biopharmaceutical company. ING Group downgraded CRXL to sell from hold.

CRXL’s September option implied volatility of 40 is below its six-month average of 54, according to Track Data, suggesting decreasing price movement.

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McAfee (MFE)
MFE Volatility Flat; Shares Near Ten-Year High

McAfee (MFE) closed at $41.29.

MFE’s September option implied volatility is at 38, while December is at 36. This is near its six-month average of 39, according to Track Data, suggesting non-directional price movement.

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By the Staff at