Robert Isbitts
Sungarden Investment Publishing
About Robert
Robert Isbitts is the founder of Sungarden Investment Publishing (SungardenInvestment.com) and creator of the YARP™ tactical dividend investing approach. A serial investment myth-buster and educator, Mr. Isbitts applies his more than 30 years of hands-on investing experience to dissect the market with a common-sense approach for his audience. He is also an active contributor at etf.com and Seeking Alpha. Before semi-retiring in 2020 to focus on investment research and education, he spent 27 years as an investment advisor and is three-time fund manager.
Robert's Articles
Robert's Videos
Many traditional approaches to dividend investing do not truly address the need for defense as part of the income investing equation. Robert will introduce his proprietary research and development of a dividend stock selection process called YARP (Yield At a Reasonable Price). YARP prioritizes risk management and total return by identifying stocks with historically high dividend yields that are currently undervalued and have the potential for price appreciation. "Dividend" does not always mean "safe." YARP seeks to address that. He will review the process and history of YARP investing, which he used to manage stock portfolios and a mutual fund during his "past life" as an investment advisor. Now a full-time investment researcher and publisher, he will explain how investors use the YARP concept to deliver sufficient cash flow from dividend income, keep losses in a tolerable range, and develop their own repeatable, systematic total return investment process.
Investing keeps evolving, and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are now an essential part of navigating modern markets. Veteran market strategist Rob Isbitts of ETFYourself.com teaches you about ETFs, why they are replacing mutual funds, and how to use them to create your own portfolios.