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Gwen Preston


Resource Maven

  • Shares Metals & Mining Expertise Through Newsletters
  • 15 Years’ Experience Deep Macroeconomic Understanding
  • Subscriber Supported: Writes About Her Portfolio Moves

About Gwen

After years with The Northern Miner and alongside Marin Katusa at Casey Research, in 2014 Gwen Preston saw mining hit bottom and knew she wanted to participate in the pending rally independently and proactively. Thus was launched Resource Maven, a chronicle of her market insights and portfolio moves. Ms. Preston knows mining's people and projects and understands how to turn big picture trends into specific investment opportunities. With a technical background, a strong network, and years of experience, Resource Maven knows how to find and hold value in this cyclical sector.

Gwen's Articles

The spot price of uranium dropped 10% over the last two weeks – and some investors freaked out. I am not freaking out. In fact, I’m using this pullback to buy more uranium exposure. Let me explain why, counsels Gwen Preston, editor of Resource Maven.
I’ve talked a lot about interest rates in the last while. I had to because they were THE reason gold moved decisively up through $2,000 per ounce and rate expectations are THE factor that will determine where gold goes from here. So the recent Federal Reserve meeting was a big one for precious metals, explains Gwen Preston, editor of Resource Maven.
While all other metals slog along, uranium is stepping forward. After a few quiet months, the spot price started picking up recently, besting US$60 per pound for the first time since 2011 other than that spike last spring. I am happy with my uranium exposure, including NexGen Energy (NXE), writes Gwen Preston, editor of Resource Maven.
A few months ago, I said “soft landing” was a useless term that just described more of the same stuck-between-good-data-and-recession-fear sideways action we’d been seeing for months. Now there’s increasing conviction that we have actually landed softly – and conviction means piles of cautious cash that had been sitting on the sidelines is now being invested, explains Gwen Preston, editor of Resource Maven.

Gwen's Videos

The metals markets are still bobbing along, unable to turn upward until investors start to position for economic growth. Seasonal patterns create opportunity in these sideways days; meanwhile, growing supply-demand gaps are coiling a spring that will send metals much higher when this market does get going. Accredited investors can position for both.

Base and precious metals are soaring. Inflation forces are real. The Russia-Ukraine conflict, wage-price pressures, carbon reduction and electrification, supply-chain and supply shock issues are all contributing to a new commodities super-cycle. Investors need exposure to the right metals, and experienced guidance in choosing them.

Fundamental and inflation drivers, along with the massive global shift to clean energy, uniquely favor uranium and silver. Uranium is the cleanest form of low-cost baseload energy. Silver is crucial to solar and wind power, as well as electric vehicles, 5G telecommunication, and high-tech electronics. Both metals are undersupplied just as demand is aggressively ramping up. Silver and uranium are poised to dramatically outperform this year.
There is a major metals bull market dead ahead. The stage is set for metals to perform, starting with stimulus-stoked growth and supported by inflation. Gold will be a bit late to the party, but it could slingshot past in performance once it does. If you like the idea of profiting from this metals market, Gwen Preston can help you figure out what kinds of stocks, risks, trading levels, and timelines make sense for you.
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