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Brien Lundin

Executive Editor,

Gold Newsletter

  • Editor, Gold Newsletter, Oldest Metals Advisory
  • Host of 47-Year-Old New Orleans Conference
  • 35 Years Analyzing Metals & Mining Markets

About Brien

Brien Lundin is executive editor of Gold Newsletter and host of the famed New Orleans Investment Conference. He draws on four decades of experience in investment analysis and publishing to deliver uniquely profitable advice to his readers. For 50 years, Gold Newsletter has provided serious investors with a behind-the-scenes view into the precious metals and resource stock markets, and consistently led its readers to profits of a degree rarely found elsewhere.

Brien's Articles

“Well begun is halfway done,” according to the famed market analyst Mary Poppins. While this truism gains more gravitas when credited to its original author, Aristotle, both the nanny and the philosopher were correct: A good start is important. And that’s just what the gold market of 2025 achieved in January, notes Brien Lundin, head of market research at The Daily Rip by Stocktwits.
Not long ago, Heliostar Metals Ltd. (HSTR.CA) was a highly regarded gold exploration company. In a seeming flash, however, it evolved into project development and now gold production, observes Brien Lundin, executive editor of Gold Newsletter.
Erdene Resource Development Corp. (ERD.CA) offers investors the best of both worlds: A near-term gold producer plus extraordinary exploration upside, explains Brien Lundin, executive editor of Gold Newsletter.
“Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.” That was my first thought on seeing gold up about $45, and silver jumping 4%, earlier this week while other markets weren’t confirming the moves. Long story short, I looked straight at that gift horse’s mouth and set about trying to figure out why the metals were soaring, notes Brien Lundin, executive editor of Gold Newsletter.

Brien's Videos

Executive editor of Gold Newsletter Brien Lundin and editor of Gold Charts R Us Omar Ayales discuss the current "golden era" in precious metals and investment opportunities. Lundin highlights central bank buying, de-dollarization efforts, and potential U.S. investor participation as gold prices rise. He predicts silver outperforming gold and recommends junior mining stocks. Ayales focuses on the shift to an inflationary environment, global fragmentation, and increased gold holdings as a reserve asset. Both experts note the lack of U.S. investor participation as a bullish sign and provide price targets for precious metals. 

The Fed is nearing the end of its rate-hike campaign, with three powerful factors preventing any further tightening. I'll show how this event will prove extraordinarily bullish for metals not just because of looser monetary policy, but also because Powell and the FOMC will have failed in their goal to bring inflation down to their target levels.
Inflation has peaked—for now—but it looks unlikely to ever drop as low as the Fed's target level, yet the central bank has apparently done everything it can do without breaking the markets, the financial system and the economy. What are the investments that can beat inflation over the long term, especially with a powerless Fed? Our panel will provide strategies and specific picks.

Though the shiny metal has been a means of payment and wealth transfer for over 5,000 years, gold's days are now numbered according to many experts due to the augment of digital currencies—and specifically—the granddaddy of them all, bitcoin.

But, other experts believe that powerful macro and monetary drivers make much higher gold prices inevitable, with the turning point appearing to be imminent thanks to strict limitations on what the Fed can do to fight inflation.

Watch LIVE as Bill Taylor, Brien Lundin, and Robert Helms debate whether gold is still the go-to investment for long-term store of wealth or if digital currencies—and specifically bitcoin—are where the future of investing lies!

Newsletter Contributions

Gold Newsletter

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