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NASDAQ 15,000?--Tech Trends to Watch

Released on Thursday, October 29, 2020TECHNOLOGY

Every day, we are constantly reminded that we live in a world where technology is evolving faster than ever. These leading technology experts will discuss:

  • The Key Tech Trends That Will Power Exponential Growth

  • What the Best Investment Plays Are to Win in the Post-Digital World

  • The Business Models That Will Drive the Future for Every Portfolio

Get up to speed on the latest trends in the industry, explore breakthrough technologies, and hear about the most innovative disruptors reshaping the future.

Keith Fitz-Gerald
Fitz-Gerald Group, Principal
George Gilder
Gilder's Technology Report, Editor
Jon Markman
Strategic Advantage, Disruptors & Dominators, Fast Forward Investing, Editor
Cody Willard, Publisher

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