Mike Ryan is vice chairman of UBS Global Wealth Management. In this MoneyShow MoneyMasters Podcast episode, recorded onstage at our Las Vegas Symposium and available here, Mike discusses the four powerful forces impacting the economy and the markets – and how investors should adapt to their growing influences. He calls them geopolitical fracturing, social factioning, economic calcification, and technology factoring.

In Mike’s words, “the world is becoming a more contentious place” and that will impact everything from US trade relationships to consumer shopping habits to corporate/government interaction. Increased tribalism at home and reduced economic mobility will also increase the risk of social unrest. While AI, machine learning, quantum computing, and other technologies will prove “transformational,” they will also likely be incredibly disruptive from political, geopolitical, macroeconomic, commercial, and social standpoints.

The net takeaway for investors? Allocate more money to safe-haven assets and be sure your portfolio includes a fixed income component. Also consider focusing on “national champions” that will benefit from consumer and government support. Finally, remember that monetary and fiscal policy will no longer be “uniformly and consistent” positive forces for markets going forward.

To gain access to more top experts like Mike, check out the 2024 MoneyShow Orlando, set for Oct. 17-19 at the Omni Orlando Resort at ChampionsGate. Click here to register.

Enjoy the segment – and I’ll be back in touch with my next podcast in a week!