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Chris Temple

Editor & Publisher,

The National Investor

  • Owner, National Investor Publishing

About Chris

Now in his fifth decade in the financial and investment world, Chris Temple is known as an original and provocative thinker whose accuracy on the markets over time has been uncanny. This he chalks up to long since acquiring the kind of knowledge that he now is privileged to pass on to his members at The National Investor as well as to broader audiences throughout the investment media.

Chris's Articles

(Sponsored Content) Chris Temple, editor and publisher at National Investor Publishing, says the most ardent admirers and supporters of incoming President Donald J. Trump think he is the Second Coming of Jesus and George Washington rolled into one. Hyperbole and over-excitement aside, there IS a bold agenda that would cement a favorable place in history for Trump.
(Sponsored Content) Chris Temple, editor and publisher at National Investor Publishing, says that not since former President Jimmy Carter was sworn in has a prospective US president faced the magnitude of a fiscal train wreck and associated economic stresses as will either Donald Trump or Kamala Harris.
(Sponsored Content) Chris Temple, editor and publisher at National Investor Publishing, says the title of his recent Special Report – A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Energy Transition – says it all, and you can download a copy of it for yourself RIGHT HERE.
(Sponsored Content) Chris Temple, editor and publisher, National Investor Publishing, is musing on the most recent meeting of the Federal Reserve's Open Market Committee. To him, things look as if they will head in the direction he's long been predicting: A renewed easing of Fed policy despite the renewed rise in inflation. 

Chris's Videos

In his matter-of-fact, educational and unemotional style, Chris shares with you here the key differences between the epic gold move of the late 1970's Inflation era and the relative underperformance of the gold space in the Inflation context lately. Part history lesson and part common sense, you'll be armed with the knowledge to understand what will cause the next big move in the precious metals sector today.

The most important investing theme you can embrace is The New FAANGs. The former FAANG darlings-Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix and Google-were winners for many years. But now, they have fallen on hard times early in this new bear market for numerous reasons.

Meanwhile, The National Investor has been among the first to highlight The New FAANGs: entire sectors and themes set to be market leaders in the years ahead of us due to a confluence of factors: energy crises, green energy transition attempts, shortages, conflicts over resources and currencies, resource nationalism, and more.

Those new FAANGs are: fuels, aerospace & defense, agriculture, nuclear, and gold/other metals.

In his newest MoneyShow presentation, Chris will give an overview of the factors underpinning each of these themesinsights into the specific recommendations he is making these days to his members. And he'll be answering your questions as wellproviding some follow-up resources for those that want more details.

The Federal Reserve has finally talked tough about inflation; but will do little. The year ahead will be treacherous: President Biden's agenda is stalled and much of the rest of the world is already slipping back into recession. In this webinar, expert Chris Temple explains the market dynamics of the New Year and how to manage your portfolio for The Great Stagflation.

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