Here is next week’s market horoscope from Susan Gidel.

The cosmos presents three astrological features this week. The most interesting occur on Tuesday, May 5. That day is one of 10 annual “Gann Days,” when the legendary trader looked for a potential change of trend; this one marks the halfway mark between the spring equinox and the summer solstice. More intriguing is that the Moon’s North Node enters the sign of Gemini, thus ending a period in Cancer that began in November 2018; the Cancer period, according to one astrological economic theory, is when housing real estate peaks every 19 years.

On Monday, May 4, the Sun and Mercury are exactly together in the sky at 5:41 pm EDT. For Mercury, ruler of trading and stock indexes, that is like being in the eye of a hurricane. Pay special attention to super-charged ideas or insights that occur during the “eye,” from 11:48 am to 11:27 pm.

The third feature is Thursday’s full moon at 6:45 am, which might influence the soybean market. In 2019, soybean prices peaked seven times and bottomed three times very near the monthly full moon. This year, transiting Venus is aligned with the market’s natal Moon that day, favoring a high.

  • Low in Crude Oil on Monday, May 4: Two culminating planetary positions tie in to the first-trade crude oil horoscope on Monday. First, the Moon is opposite the natal position of the contract’s Sun. Second, the Sun and Mercury are aligned with the contract’s natal Venus. In addition, transiting Mars is connected to both ends of the contract’s natal opposition between Mars and Pluto. For the June contract, the planetary price conversion levels of $14.83 per barrel and $14.08 could provide support; the next two significant ones lower are $13.43 and $11.23. In the July contract, watch for planetary price conversion support at $18.43, then $17.68.

Can you help me find Brent crude first-trade data? I’d like to switch my ongoing analysis to ICE Brent crude oil futures from WTI at NYMEX but need a definitive first-trade date and time to conduct my astrological research before I do. All I know right now is that the current active Brent contract at ICE launched in London at the International Petroleum Exchange in June 1988. Many thanks in advance for any data or leads on where I might find Brent crude’s launch information. Please email

  • High in Gold on Tuesday, May 5: Three planets in Taurus—Sun, Mercury and Uranus—are making strong trines (120 degrees apart) to the gold market’s first-trade Mercury and Sun. Both $1,732 per oz. and $1,761 could provide upside resistance in the June contract, based on planetary price conversions.
  • Low in 10-year Treasury note on Wednesday, May 6: Three days after the contract’s birthday, three planets—Sun, Mercury and Uranus—are aligned with the first-trade horoscope Sun. At the same time, three other transiting planets are making exact connections to the degree to other first-trade planetary positions—the transiting Moon is conjunct Jupiter; Venus is square the Moon; and Mars is trine Pluto. The June contract currently is in a no-man’s land of planetary price conversion levels that stand at 136-08 and 143-07.
  • High in Soybeans on Thursday, May 7: The Full Moon, which coincided with seven soybean highs and three soybean lows in 2019, occurs with transiting Venus conjunct the market’s first-trade Moon. Conjunctions to the first-trade Moon are some of the strongest indicators of market highs, and Venus visits this area just once every 18 months. Three areas of planetary price conversion resistance could appear in the July contract — $8.73-$8.75 per bu., $8.87, and $9.03-$9.12.

Last Week’s Scorecard (through Thursday’s close)


  • High in Gold on Thursday, April 23: June gold topped at $1,764.20 per oz. that day, dropping $60 by Tuesday, April 28. The $1,761 mark is an important planetary price conversion from the first-trade horoscope ascendant. 

Off the Mark

  • High in Soybeans on Tuesday, April 28: This was indeed a day of culmination, but marked a low, not a high. July beans bottomed at $8.29 ½ per bu. and rallied toward $8.60 by Thursday.

The position of planets in the sky as they relate to their positions when a market first began trading can provide clues to potential trend changes. The energy is strongest on the days noted in this post, but it is not unusual for the effect to be seen a day or two either side. See backgrounder “Market Analysis with Astrology” for further information.
Susan Gidel is editor of the Red Letter Trading Days newsletter.© Copyright 2020 SusanGSays LLC