We spend so much time trying to determine if the time is right to buy or sell that we often overlook the mechanics of how we buy or sell. I talk to traders all the time who tout the benefits of various entry and exit strategies, so I thought I'd take a closer look at how the mechanics of each entry and exit strategy work.

In this 30-minute video, I look at the following entry and exit strategies:

- Going all in (entering your full position at once)
- Scaling in (entering part of your position initially and adding to it as time goes on)
- Pyramiding in (entering your full position at once and then adding to it as your paper profits increase)

I'm also interested to hear how you trade and what your thoughts on each of these entry and exit strategies are. Be sure to share your thoughts with me in the forum after viewing the video.

Also be sure to review Position Sizing and Stops, which are related, and just as important.

Watch the video now

By Wade Hansen of LearningMarkets.com