How can you generate sizable yields that beat the pants off the S&P 500 (SPX), US Treasuries, and are in traditional asset classes rather than things like cryptocurrency, asks Mike Larson, editor of Safe Money Report?
We’re facing an “Income Apocalypse.” Record-low interest rates, even lower, negative “real” (inflation-adjusted) rates, miserable Treasury and dividend yields.
Then add to that pitiful corporate debt payouts, dangerous junk bond rates, and atrocious annual percentage yields (APYs) on everything from certificates of deposit (CDs) to savings accounts and money market funds. It’s a toxic environment for income. You face challenges that seem insurmountable.
But they don’t have to be. You can use three primary techniques to fight back.
- Screen for higher-yielding ETFs, stocks, and mutual funds. You can use tools to search for investments with higher ratings and dividend yields that beat the S&P 500 by as much or as little as you’re comfortable with. You do so for your stock money, your bond money, even your cash-like investments. The goal? Squeeze as much yield as you can out of every asset in your portfolio!
- Let me dig deeper for you! My income-focused methodology adds several more layers of analysis. I’m not just looking for high yields. I’m looking for significant dividend growth, the ability to cover generous payouts, and much more. That process is paying off nicely, too. Many of the investments I identified are returning significant gains for subscribers, not to mention yields that leave the S&P 500 in the dust.
- Turn to options for greater income. Trading options can seem like playing craps or roulette. But if you focus on SELLING them for income rather than BUYING them for speculation, you can turn the tables on Wall Street.
You can generate much more consistent income, with a much higher “win” percentage, boosting the yield your nest egg throws off substantially. Plus, if you use select investment vehicles, you don’t even need an options account to profit from this tactic.
Bottom line? If you’re like many others, you’re trying desperately to fight back against the income apocaylpse. And I’m confident the three techniques I have laid out for you will get you headed in the right direction.
Safe Money Report focuses on these kinds of stocks, which include names in the consumer staples, food and beverage, retail, and healthcare sectors. Visit Safe Money Report here.