Ottawa, Canada - February 13, 2023 - MoneyShow Newswire - HCN, The Hotel Communication Network with its remarkable innovation in guest communication technology has now emerged through the Covid lockdown stronger than ever and now in high-growth mode.  HCN places a tablet computer in the guestroom as the replacement for paper books, the clunky alarm clock, and as a far better way for the guest to communicate with the hotel and explore the city.

HCN has deployed its solution in some of the biggest and prestigious Hiltons and Marriotts in the country, and is now on a growth trajectory that makes it the industry leader, with an accelerated path to IPO.  “After many years of preparation HCN is now at its inflection point, a great moment for the investors that helped us get here, and a great time to join as a new investor in the exciting journey as HCN conquers one of the world’s largest industries”, says Kevin Bidner, its CEO.

The Millennial generation is now the major customer set in the travel industry, the largest cohort in human history. Millennials travel differently and consume digital information differently than previous generations.  What is now in the guestroom is two generations out of date and in dire need of a refresh.  The land-line phone, the clock radio, paper directories, TV based information systems, are all hopelessly out of date.  One would think that mobile apps would solve the problem, and many hotels have tried that route, but no more than 15% of guests download hotel apps and use them during their stay.  In contrast, 90% of all guests use the tablet in the guestroom.

HCN saw this need for an upgrade and was the industry’s first mover and with its patented communication technology is now expanding virally, making this an exciting and very investable company.  Investors join a community of some of the top pre-IPO funds and investor groups who have joined HCN on the journey.

About The Hotel Communication Network, Inc.

Founded in 2008, with headquarters in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, The Hotel Communication Network has built on years of research and development to provide an innovative high-value guest amenity that keeps each guest connected to their hotel, city and each other. For more information, visit


Kevin Bidner