Following last Monday's Tribute to Louis Rukeyser at the closing bell of the NYSE, we received many e-mails from the advisory world asking us to share their congratulations. From such greats as Sir John Templeton and Charles Allmon, we would like to share their well wishes.

Templeton, John

 "Louis, with fond memories of my many visits on Wall Street Week , and with all best wishes, your longtime friend, John Templeton."

Sir John Templeton, The Templeton Foundation

Forbes, Steve

"He took what had been on the back pages of the newspapers for decades and put it on the front page. He made it accessible to people who had formerly been a little fearful of it. He made it approachable. He made it understandable."

 Steve Forbes, Forbes

Allmon, Charles "Lou arrived as a breath of fresh air when he hit the American investment scene 35 years ago. Erudite, suave, with a devastating sense of humor, Lou stands as an icon in TV broadcasting. This towering figure in the exceedingly tough and rough business of TV journalism will be remembered for another half century, and hopefully far longer as students of the trade study his TV performances spanning a third of a century. Lou, it has been a rare privilege to know you also as a warm, gracious host...but above all as an extraordinary human being."

Charles Allmon, Growth Stock Outlook 

Gulla, George

 "I grew up watching Louis every Friday evening. He represented the needs and interests of the individual investor like no other commentator. He was in fact an educator on the subject of investing and the markets. He brought an unforgettable sense of style and humor to the subject and possessed a unique way of taking what seemed to many individuals as a mysterious and complicated world and putting it into a context that all could understand. I miss him and his weekly broadcast. Friday evening is just not the same."

George Gulla, Standard & Poor's  

Dessauer, John

 "I owe a great deal to Lou. He picked me as a panelist and allowed me to enjoy 11 years on his show. Being associated with the greatest financial journalist of our time was an honor and privilege. Thanks and all the best Lou."

John Dessauer, Investor's World

Rowe, Donald

"Lou Rukeyser is a one-of-a-kind legend in his own time!"

Don and Joy Rowe, The Wall Street Digest

Lewis, Vivian  "For those of us who grew up B.L. (before Lou) during the first generation of public access to the formerly-closed world of the stock market, Lou was our seer and questioner, our charming guide, our trusted source. A real journalist, he spread knowledge of investing to people who were intimidated and bamboozled by brokers and fund managers in the period B.L."

Vivian Lewis, Global Investing

Kennedy, Kevin "Louis Rukeyser is an American icon whose pioneering spirit, humor, and intellect made investing understandable and interesting for the common man. He has also brought great credibility to the financial newsletter industry. I join with millions of investors who have benefited from his wisdom."

Kevin Kennedy, The Coolcat Report 

Schultz, Harry "The Gold Standard of the stock market has, for decades, been the Lou Rukeyser Standard of Market Commentary . He gave us style, wit, and satire, along with ever-interesting and varied opinions. I salute you, Lou, on this happy occasion."

Harry Schultz, International Harry Schultz Letter

Bogle, John "He played a major role in bringing Wall Street to Main Street, and that's a legacy that is really enduring."

John Bogle, The Vanguard Group

Pape, Gordon "Louis Rukeyser's career impacted not only US investors. His insights and humor helped turn Wall Street into Main Street for a whole generation of Canadians."

Gordon Pape,
Internet Wealth Builder

Conrad, Roger  "All of us in the financial services industry today owe Lou Rukeyser a debt of gratitude, for always setting a high professional standard."

Roger Conrad, Utility Forecaster, KCI Communications

Aden, Mary Anne & Pam "We first met Lou in the early 1980s,
and he has been an example and inspiration ever since."

Mary Anne and Pamela Aden,The Aden Forecast

Donoghue, William

 "Wall $treet Week accomplished what no other TV show has ever done: weekly, it brought millions together to listen to the kind of discussion of investment information to which every American should be exposed. Imagine the impact on the next generation. It was the presence of Louis Rukeyser that made that happen. Without his gentle, prodding interviews, millions would have missed learning about our financial markets from a well-informed father figure. I want to thank Louis for being such a wonderful role model."

Bill Donoghue, W.E. Donoghue & Co.