Let’s touch on a few deeper global subjects being pressed right now for traders and investors. And ones you should definitely research and dig into further: debt load in the EU, bitcoin and blockchain, Syria, QAnon and more, writes Nell Sloane Wednesday.

The EU debt load: I believe we are starting to see the beginning stages of the breakdown in peripheral EU countries’ abilities to sustain their debt obligations.

Despite constant QE and something I have warned about in the past, eventually BUBA will want their money back in some form or another.

Oh, sorry BUBA (Bundesbank) is the ECB, it’s an old trading floor term, but one that still holds a nice ring to it. Anyway, Italy's TARGET2 liabilities imbalance sits around €442.5 or $522 billion. European central bank balances.

Yardeni Research posted a very telling chart. What it will show is that since 2011 BUBA has bailed out the peripheral EU to the tune of nearly $1.5 trillion and now you know why they have negative interest rates: 



Blockchain and bitcoin: Let’s move to another fantastic subject and one I generally love to cover, that is blockchain and bitcoin (BTC-USD). This past week saw 9000 people attend the Consensus 2018 event in New York City. Despite all the negative coverage from protesting bankers, crazy yacht parties and even “Snoop D O Double G” himself, the fact remains the ecosystem continues to grow.

We expect you to be well-entrenched with our firm belief that blockchain technology is the future disruptor and it’s still in the very young incubations stages.

As much as Wall Street and its investment grade banks detested it at first, they are now seeing that there is no stopping this force. With that the likes of Goldman Sachs (GS) and even JP foot-in-the-mouth Morgan are going to dive right in to the crypto trading space.

I say let the sharks come and turn crypto into another profit-driven asset class. This will open the doors to further advancing the real utility function of a decentralized immutable economy, run solely on trustless binary coded systems.

I am confident that the ecosystem will continue to grow. You should be doing your research!


The #QAnon movement is gaining mainstream admission and it continues to be under conspiracy-like scrutiny.


I know that there is more to this story than meets the eye. If you haven’t heard of it, you will, but we think you should definitely pay attention.

Anyway, some background: There is some deep-seeded intelligence jockeying going on in the intelligence community. And the QAnon movement seems to point toward the deep state vs. Trump and his draining the swamp movement. I don’t want to get into it too much as you are a much better judge of your beliefs than I, but rather know it’s going on and gaining traction.

Here is what writer Martin Geddes says on Medium.


Watch Syria: Another subject we need to continually watch is the ongoing tensions in Syria. With Israel picking up steam in the region targeting sites within Syria, constant monitoring should be considered.


News updates: As long-time readers know, I don’t watch Western media for news, rather I choose sources on the ground within areas of interest, most notably found on YouTube, GAB and Reddit, to name a few. If you want suggestions I will gladly provide sources.   

YouTube is becoming highly censored, so even they are falling prey to this narrative shaping bias, unfortunately.


Mother Nature rules: OK, that is it folks! I will continue to push your economic and financial jargon intellect in hopes of inspiring your everyday routine.

Before we go, we would also want to make sure you are following what is going on around the globe in terms of weather, earthquakes and volcanoes.

Many are focused upon Kilauea, but Sakurajima has been blowing for months, you should check it out. Our environment is being impacted and that means we are impacted whether we like it or not, so pay close attention and raise your awareness.

Long-time readers know our viewpoint on the connection between nature and our wellbeing as a species. 

As much as we think we are in control, Mother Nature always sets us straight. We hope you enjoy the rest of your week. Cheers!


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